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Attributes to Look for Inside Your Dealership for Buy Center Talent

Attributes to Look for Inside Your Dealership for Buy Center Talent
The used vehicle market is dynamic, and understanding its nuances can be the key to success for dealerships in 2023. Recent data from Cox Automotive indicates a slight decline in used vehicle sales in September compared to August. Yet, despite these shifts, the emphasis for dealerships should be on tapping into their most valuable resource: their internal talent.

Essential Qualities to Identify Within Your Team:
  • Genuine Transparency: Transparency is more than just honesty; it's about building trust. Employees who can provide clear and straightforward information to potential sellers will foster stronger relationships.
  • Confidence in Interacting with Customers: Effective communication is crucial. Employees who can confidently address concerns, answer questions, and negotiate will facilitate smoother transactions.
  • Exceptional Follow-up Capabilities: The acquisition journey often extends beyond the initial interaction. Employees with strong follow-up skills can nurture potential leads into confirmed sales.
  • A Consistently Positive Mindset: The automotive world has its challenges. A positive attitude can help navigate potential obstacles and keep the team motivated.
  • Drive and Vision for Personal and Professional Growth: The ambition to grow can lead to innovative approaches in vehicle acquisition. Dealerships should identify and nurture such forward-thinking individuals.

Chris Frey from Cox Automotive succinctly captures the market's resilience: "Used retail vehicle sales have shown remarkable resilience this past summer and into the fall.” He also highlights potential market challenges like interest rate hikes and geopolitical tensions.

Archibald's Inc. - A Testament to Prioritizing People

A shining example of harnessing internal talent for impressive growth is Archibald's Inc. Amidst automotive market challenges, Archibald's Inc. doubled their retail sales from 60 to 120 a month, all while utilizing the Vehicle Acquisition Network (VAN). With just two buyers in their buy center, they consistently acquire over 70 cars monthly, reaching a remarkable peak of 91 recently. The secret behind their success? A focus on their people first, supported by the capabilities of VAN. For a detailed exploration of their journey and strategies, consider visiting the case study on Archibald's Inc.

The Takeaway:

While market data and external factors are essential, the heart of a successful dealership lies in its people. Recognizing and cultivating the right qualities within the team can pave the way for sustainable growth and success, even in a fluctuating market.
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