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How to Use Facebook to Buy Private Party Vehicles

How to Use Facebook to Buy Private Party Vehicles

Facebook Marketplace offers dealers a lot of opportunities to buy private party vehicles. As the largest social network, users rely on this platform for its familiarity and ease of use, but how can dealers get the most out of their negotiation experience? Our Acquisition Council is breaking down top Facebook Marketplace tips to help you maximize your acquisition strategy. 




Why Facebook Marketplace? 

With nearly 1 billion active monthly users, Facebook Marketplace is a force to reckon with, helping people buy and sell used items. Sellers upload photos and critical information about their vehicle such as make, mileage, and more, allowing buyers to filter and search based on their needs. While there is always room for scammers, Facebook Marketplace at least adds more credibility than Craigslist, where users are completely anonymous. 


Tips for Buying Vehicles on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook opens the door to countless vehicles in your area, but that doesn’t mean the acquisition process doesn’t come without challenges. Many dealers have found that sellers can be wary of working with dealerships due to past experiences and misconceptions, so it may take some extra selling expertise to make the deal go smoothly. 

Many sellers may not be aware of some of the issues that go into selling their vehicle to an individual. Some of these pitfalls include:

  • Working with strangers: Setting up an online transaction means interacting with a total stranger who may or may not have the best interests in mind. At some point there will have to be an in-person meeting which could mean doing business in the seller’s driveway or a parking lot. 
  • Personal financing: There’s no guarantee that private buyers will have the funds to actually purchase said vehicle. Even if a check is provided, there’s no way to know whether or not it will clear. 
  • Vehicle malfunctions: If a newly purchased vehicle suddenly breaks down on the buyer, they may come back for the seller to make or pay for repairs. 

Because of these potential problems, it’s valuable to remind sellers that working with a dealership provides the following value: 

  • Backed by a name brand: Selling to a business rather than an individual offers more peace of mind and familiarity than with a stranger.
  • Guaranteed cash: Your dealership can provide quick payouts that are guaranteed to clear. 
  • No repercussions: Even if the car breaks down after the sale, the seller will not be held liable. 

Stressing the benefits of your dealings can help sellers be more comfortable working with a dealership! 


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